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::: Chapter 1: Changing the Imagination of Community Programs at District Councils of Hong Kong, p. 6-19, by Clara Cheung, Empower Arts, Animate Communities, Centre for Cultural Studies, CUHK, ISBN: 978-988-79285-1-5 (Print) 978-988-79285-2-2 (eBook), Edited by Benny Lim and Oscar Ho Hing-kay
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::: The Routledge Companion to Art in the Public Realm, ISBN 9781138325302, October 19, 2020, By Cameron Cartiere, Leon Tan
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::: 城市在烈日下消融︰文美桃與消失症候群 , Text by : 查映嵐 Evelyn Char, 11/07/2018
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::: IN SESSION 5 - MAN Mei-to, Laundry Shop, A Walk With A3, by Yang Yeung, 05/ 2016
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::: Lost in Translation — MAN Mei To, Tiger A(r)m Strong Biennale – The Tailed Scar, Rooftop Institute, Text, by: hoyin, 04/2023
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::: CHAT 六廠「邊織邊拆的網」探索絲線的矛盾、擴散與張力 文藝 follow me, p-articles虛詞, Text ,by : 黃桂桂 | 2022-05-14
::: The Works: CHAT’s “The Spinning East Asia Series II” exhibition, Interview by : Amy Wong, RTHK, 07/05/2022
::: 藝坊星期天: 六廠紡織文化藝術館舉辦的展覽「邊織邊拆的網」, 訪問: Amy Wong, RTHK, 08/05/2022
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::: 採集真實 轉化日常 | 文美桃, 號外 City Magazine, p. 106 - 111, 2020. 12, Text by: Samwai Lam
::: 【專訪】藝術家文美桃:擺脫模糊說清楚, 立場新聞STANDNEWS, 立場人語, Text by: 黎家怡, Photographer: Sheryl Wong, 22/10/2020
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::: 藝術家的腦袋, RTHK- AM783 香港電台, 主持人:楊秀卓、杜婷, #90 身體的聲音 (嘉賓:文美桃), 21:04 - 22:00, 22/09/2020
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::: Man Mei To 文美桃 PS Paid Studio Visits, Para Site, Hosted by Celia Ho and Cusson Cheng, 01/02/2021
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::: 個人練習之眾合「老虎巖雙年展—缺口長出了尾巴」, MING’S, N.106, JUN 2023, Text by : Samwai Lam, 06/2023
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::: Spinning East Asia,, Text by : Izumi Nakayama, 07-08-2022
::: 再紡東亞,島聚,月末評, Text ,by : 中山和泉, 07-08-2022
::: 挑戰普羅觀眾,鬆動地緣想像——香港六廠紡織文化藝術館「再紡東亞系列二:邊織邊拆的網」, ArtTouch典藏, Text ,by : 黎家怡, 27-05-2022
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::: 科網世代:揼網頁拍片 藝術「超連結」,CULTURE & LEISURE / CULTURE, 明報, Text by: 曾曉玲, 11/04/2021
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::: Under the Shadow of China’s New Security Law, a New Generation of Hong Kong Artists Is Learning to Make Art in Code,, Politics, Text by: Vivienne Chow, 20/10/2020
::: 安全口,逃生門,三位女性藝術家的字裡行間 , Matters, Text ,by : surveilcat, 08/10/2020
::: 《字裡行間》:承載恐懼的創作—— 訪問何倩彤、馬琼珠、文美桃, 文藝follow me, p-articles虛詞, Text ,by : 楊喜盈, 02/10/2020
::: 字裏行間有星光, U Magazine , Text by: Ida, p.26-29 / 2020.09
::: 殘酷碎語, Milk Mart, Milk Magazine, 09/09/2020, Text by : Emily
::: 字裡行間:在殘酷現實中找電幻中的第二人生, 字花, 別字, 第三十二期, Text by : 張煒森, 09/2020
::: 憤怒的詩:字裡行間, 立場新聞STANDNEWS, 藝術, Text by : 蔡芷筠, 23/09/2020
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::: Facebook posts, 24 December 2019, Text by Yang Yeung
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::: Zoo as Metaphor ( 2 ) | 像是動物園( 二 )
- 像是動物園(二):在別人的意識中尋找屬於你的夢, 字花, , Text ,by : 張煒森, 28/11/2018
- 遊玩間,鬆動邊界——「像是動物園(二)」, 虛詞 (P-articles), Text ,by : 陳怡, 28/11/2018
- 像是動物園二,Art Appraisal Club展覽評論會議(2018.10),02/11/2018, by:Art Appraisal Club
Zoo as Metaphor (2), Art Appraisal Club(2018.10), 02/11/2018, by:Art Appraisal Club
- 在動物園內,請勿拍打玻璃……, 像是動物園 場刊, Text ,by : 李筱怡, p.36 - 37, 10/2018
- 參與式劇場,其實要解放的是⋯⋯, 立場新聞 |STANDNEWS , Text ,by : 賴閃芳, 15/10/2018
- 白盒子、珍奇櫃與異人館, 立場新聞 |STANDNEWS , Text ,by : 查映嵐 Evelyn Char, 04/10/2018
White Cube, Cabinet of Curiosities and Freak Shows, Zoo as Metaphor (2) House Programme,
Text ,by : Evelyn Char, p.30 - 33, Oct 2018
- 我奇怪嗎?你正常嗎?,《明報》副刊文化, Text ,by : 關曉陽,28/09/2018
::: Distance of Space, Materialized bodily presence : visitors’ notes, floating projects,
Text by : Linda C.H. Lai . Evelyn Char . Yang Yeung and Cheung Wai-sum Eddie, 08/05/2018
訪者絮語:文美桃彼岸之地, 據點。句點, Text by : 黎肖嫻, 查映嵐, 楊陽, 張煒森,08 / 05/2018
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::: 「類聚集 」(ensemble), [2017特約評論人] 陳韋鑑, 台新銀行文化藝術基金會, 06/ 23/ 2017
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::: As the leaves fall, Grey and Green Ping Pong Project | 落 牙 - 《 銀青乒乓 》
- 共處是意義所在 1a Space「落牙」, 文/攝:木瓜, 三角志 - 第64期,p. 10, 01/ 10/ 2016
- 落牙,豈是無情物?藝術在社區的關係美學,U Travel Life Magazine+Weekend-Idea ART, Text by: Ida, 09/ 2016
- As the Leaves Fall :Au Yiu Tai and Ivy Ma + Man Meito, Video | 落 牙 : 區要弟 和 馬瓊珠+文美桃, 影片
::: BOOKSHOP / Art Basel | 主流外的風光, < Tao Magazine > , Text : Rebecca,03/ 2016 , p. 68- 69
::: 《書店》@富德樓藝鵠書店, 立場新聞 | 藝術 , Text: 阿三, 23/ 03/ 2016
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::: Tung Kai, Local Arts News: 6 young artists “Frist Smash” 6年輕藝術家「初試啼聲」, Ta Kung Pao, July 28, 2014