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擴散性線體 Diffusing Linear Body

Installation, painting

Dimensions variable


A commission project by CHAT ( Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile) by MILL6 Foundation

Diffusing Linear Body spans across sculpture, painting and other mediums. As the audience enters the space, they will first encounter rapidly fluttering cotton threads powered by a motor. No longer in their original supple state, the threads are stretched into sharp straight lines presenting a clear threat and invasion of the site. The viewer must circumvent such 'danger' to examine the painting on the wall. The image is taken from the Japanese film Oh! The Nomugi Pass which depicts the tragic fate of female workers at the Nagano Textile Factory in the early 20th century when Japan was in the early stages of its capitalist development. In this classic scene, groups of female workers must trek through an icy mountain pass to access the long road to the silk factory. Man Mei To recreates the image with teams of workers progressing in lines that drift and float like spider silk on the wind.

The workers are tiny and weak but lithe and supple. The installation and painting echo each other. When viewed from a different perspective, the seemingly contradictory states of thread: soft, sharp, loose, and taut, can unite and transform its strength.

《擴散性線體》是一個包括雕塑、繪畫等不同媒介的空間裝置作品。當觀眾進入這個空間時,會先看到一些原本柔軟的棉線在電動摩打的催動下飛速舞動,形成堅挺的直線,對空間形成清晰的入侵和威脅,而觀眾必須繞過這些「危 險」才能仔細觀察牆上的繪畫創作。繪畫作品的圖像則取自於描 述 20 世紀初日本資本主義發展初期,長野紡織廠女工悲慘命運 的日本電影《啊,野麥嶺》中的經典畫面 ─ 女工們結隊成行,在 冰天雪地之中徒步穿越野麥嶺,踏上前往絲廠的漫漫長路。文美 桃對圖像進行了再創作:山嶺上的隊伍如同隨風飄零的蜘蛛絲, 微小無力,但又輕盈柔韌。裝置和繪畫彼此呼應,從不同角度呈 現「線」在柔軟、鋒利、輕盈、緊繃等狀態之間的矛盾統一和力 量轉換。



Spinning East Asia Series II: A Net (Dis)entangled  Exhibition page:

「再紡東亞」系列展覽圖錄及回應研討會|Spinning East Asia Series Exhibition Catalogue:

Lusher Photography _ Mill6CHAT _ Spring 2022 Installation 168.jpg
Lusher Photography _ Mill6CHAT _ Spring 2022 Installation 165.JPG
Lusher Photography _ Mill6CHAT _ Spring 2022 Installation 162.JPG
Lusher Photography _ Mill6CHAT _ Spring 2022 Installation 145.JPG
Lusher Photography _ Mill6CHAT _ Spring 2022 Installation 185.JPG
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